This specific compendium summarizes and connects the dots amongst 30+ different white papers (instead of footnotes, hyperlinks enable one to read the source materials); SEC filings, Press Releases, as well as my discussions with members of the aviation community who either use SAF or are devoted to realizing the sustainability initiatives created by the UN. My conversations and correspondence with aircraft management companies, tax advisors, and members of a key OEM’s Sustainability Team, a Fortune 500 Company, and engine manufacturer are further incorporated into this compendium so that the reader can gain a greater understanding of how SAF is viewed from a larger business aviation perspective.
To access this near 100 page Compendium, please Direct Message us on LinkedIn.
UNDERSTANDING THE GLOBAL FRAMEWORK OF SUSTAINABLE AVIATION FUEL (SAF) – A COMPENDIUM by Infinite Branches LLC is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.